xenonpy.model.training.dataset package


xenonpy.model.training.dataset.array module

class xenonpy.model.training.dataset.array.ArrayDataset(*array, dtypes=None)[source]

Bases: TensorDataset

tensors: Tuple[Tensor, ...]

xenonpy.model.training.dataset.cgcnn module

class xenonpy.model.training.dataset.cgcnn.CrystalGraphDataset(crystal_features, targets=None)[source]

Bases: Dataset

  • root_dir (str) – The path to the root directory of the dataset

  • max_num_nbr (int) – The maximum number of neighbors while constructing the crystal graph

  • radius (float) – The cutoff radius for searching neighbors

  • dmin (float) – The minimum distance for constructing GaussianDistance

  • step (float) – The step size for constructing GaussianDistance

  • random_seed (int or None) – Random seed for shuffling the dataset


  • atom_fea (torch.Tensor shape (n_i, atom_fea_len))

  • nbr_fea (torch.Tensor shape (n_i, M, nbr_fea_len))

  • nbr_fea_idx (torch.LongTensor shape (n_i, M))

  • target (torch.Tensor shape (1, ))

  • cif_id (str or int)

static collate_fn(dataset_list)[source]

Collate a list of data and return a batch for predicting crystal properties.


dataset_list (list of tuples for each data point.) –

(atom_fea, nbr_fea, nbr_fea_idx, target)

atom_fea: torch.Tensor shape (n_i, atom_fea_len) nbr_fea: torch.Tensor shape (n_i, M, nbr_fea_len) nbr_fea_idx: torch.LongTensor shape (n_i, M) target: torch.Tensor shape (1, ) cif_id: str or int


  • N = sum(n_i); N0 = sum(i)

  • batch_atom_fea (torch.Tensor shape (N, orig_atom_fea_len)) – Atom features from atom type

  • batch_nbr_fea (torch.Tensor shape (N, M, nbr_fea_len)) – Bond features of each atom’s M neighbors

  • batch_nbr_fea_idx (torch.LongTensor shape (N, M)) – Indices of M neighbors of each atom

  • crystal_atom_idx (list of torch.LongTensor of length N0) – Mapping from the crystal idx to atom idx

  • target (torch.Tensor shape (N, 1)) – Target value for prediction

  • batch_cif_ids (list)

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