Source code for xenonpy.mdl.mdl

#  Copyright (c) 2021. yoshida-lab. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
#  license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import os
import tarfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

import pandas as pd
import requests
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from tqdm import tqdm

from xenonpy.utils import TimedMetaClass
from .base import BaseQuery
from .descriptor import QueryDescriptors, QueryDescriptorsWith, UpdateDescriptor, CreateDescriptor, ListDescriptors, \
from .method import QueryMethods, QueryMethodsWith, UpdateMethod, CreateMethod, ListMethods, GetMethodDetail
from .model import QueryModelDetails, QueryModelDetailsWith, UploadModel, GetTrainingInfo, GetTrainingEnv, \
    GetSupplementary, GetModelUrls, GetModelUrl, GetModelDetails, GetModelDetail, ListModelsWithProperty, \
    ListModelsWithModelset, ListModelsWithMethod, ListModelsWithDescriptor
from .modelset import QueryModelsets, QueryModelsetsWith, UpdateModelset, CreateModelset, ListModelsets, \
from .property import QueryPropertiesWith, QueryProperties, UpdateProperty, CreateProperty, ListProperties, \

__all__ = ['MDL', 'GetVersion', 'QueryModelsetsWith', 'QueryModelsets', 'QueryModelDetailsWith', 'QueryModelDetails',
           'UpdateModelset', 'UploadModel', 'GetModelsetDetail', 'GetModelDetail', 'GetModelDetails', 'GetModelUrls',
           'GetModelUrl', 'GetTrainingInfo', 'GetSupplementary', 'GetTrainingEnv', 'ListModelsets',
           'ListModelsWithDescriptor', 'ListModelsWithMethod', 'ListModelsWithModelset', 'ListModelsWithProperty',
           'QueryPropertiesWith', 'QueryProperties', 'GetPropertyDetail', 'ListProperties', 'CreateProperty',
           'CreateModelset', 'UpdateProperty', 'QueryDescriptorsWith', 'QueryDescriptors', 'QueryMethodsWith',
           'QueryMethods', 'UpdateDescriptor', 'UpdateMethod', 'ListDescriptors', 'ListMethods', 'GetMethodDetail',
           'GetDescriptorDetail', 'CreateDescriptor', 'CreateMethod']

[docs]class GetVersion(BaseQuery): queryable = [] def __init__(self, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables={}, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) self._return_json = True
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return ''' query { getVersion } '''
[docs]class MDL(BaseEstimator, metaclass=TimedMetaClass): def __init__(self, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Access key. endpoint: Url to XenonPy.MDL api server. """ self._endpoint = endpoint self._api_key = api_key @property def endpoint(self): return self._endpoint @endpoint.setter def endpoint(self, e): self._endpoint = e @property def api_key(self): return self._api_key @api_key.setter def api_key(self, k): """""" self._api_key = k @property def version(self): return GetVersion()()
[docs] def __call__(self, *query: str, modelset_has: Union[List[str]] = None, property_has: Union[List[str]] = None, descriptor_has: Union[List[str]] = None, method_has: Union[List[str]] = None, lang_has: Union[List[str]] = None, regression: bool = None, transferred: bool = None, deprecated: bool = None, succeed: bool = None, ) -> Union[QueryModelDetails, QueryModelDetailsWith]: """ Query models with specific keywords. Parameters ---------- query Lowercase string for database querying. This is a fuzzy searching, any information contains given string will hit. modelset_has The part of a model set's name. For example, ``modelset_has='test`` will hit ``*test*`` property_has A part of the name of property. descriptor_has A part of the name of descriptor. method_has A part of the name of training method. lang_has A part of the name of programming language. regression If``True``, searching in regression models, else, searching in classification models. Default is ``True``. deprecated Model with this mark is deprecated. transferred If ``True``, searching in transferred models. Default is ``False``. succeed If ``True``, searching in succeed models. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if len(query) > 0: return QueryModelDetails(dict(query=query), api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: variables = dict( modelset_has=modelset_has, property_has=property_has, descriptor_has=descriptor_has, method_has=method_has, lang_has=lang_has, regression=regression, transferred=transferred, deprecated=deprecated, succeed=succeed ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return QueryModelDetailsWith(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def upload_model(self, *, modelset_id: int, describe: dict, training_env: dict = None, training_info: dict = None, supplementary: dict = None) -> UploadModel: """ Upload model to XenonPy.MDL server. Parameters ---------- modelset_id describe training_env training_info supplementary Returns ------- query Querying object. """ variables = dict( model=None, id=modelset_id, describe=describe, training_env=training_env, training_info=training_info, supplementary=supplementary, ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return UploadModel(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_training_info(self, model_id: int) -> GetTrainingInfo: """ Get training information, e.g. ``train_loss``. Parameters ---------- model_id Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetTrainingInfo({'id': model_id}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_training_env(self, model_id: int) -> GetTrainingEnv: """ Get model's training environments. Parameters ---------- model_id Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetTrainingEnv({'id': model_id}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_supplementary(self, *, model_id: int) -> GetSupplementary: """ Get extract information about the model. For regression model this should be *prediction vs observation* data. For classification model, this will be the *confusion matrix*. Parameters ---------- model_id Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetSupplementary({'id': model_id}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_model_urls(self, *model_ids: int) -> Union[GetModelUrl, GetModelUrls]: """ Get download url by model id. Parameters ---------- model_ids Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if len(model_ids) == 0: raise RuntimeError('input is not non-able') if len(model_ids) == 1: return GetModelUrl({'id': model_ids[0]}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: return GetModelUrls({'ids': model_ids}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_model_detail(self, model_id: int) -> GetModelDetail: """ Get model detail by model id. Parameters ---------- model_id Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetModelDetail({'id': model_id}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_model_details(self, model_ids: List[int]) -> GetModelDetails: """ Get multiply model detail by their ids in one querying. Parameters ---------- model_ids Model id. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetModelDetails({'ids': model_ids}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_models_with_property(self, name: str) -> ListModelsWithProperty: """ List all models relevant with given property. Parameters ---------- name Property name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListModelsWithProperty({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_models_with_modelset(self, name: str) -> ListModelsWithModelset: """ List all models relevant with given modelset. Parameters ---------- name Modelset name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListModelsWithModelset({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_models_with_method(self, name: str) -> ListModelsWithMethod: """ List all models relevant with given method. Parameters ---------- name Method name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListModelsWithMethod({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_models_with_descriptor(self, name: str) -> ListModelsWithDescriptor: """ List all models relevant with given descriptor. Parameters ---------- name Descriptor name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListModelsWithDescriptor({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def query_modelsets(self, query: str = None, *, name_has: Union[List[str]] = None, tag_has: Union[List[str]] = None, describe_has: Union[List[str]] = None, private: bool = None, deprecated: bool = None, ) -> Union[QueryModelsets, QueryModelsetsWith]: """ Query modelsets with specific keywords. Parameters ---------- query Lowercase string for database querying. This is a fuzzy searching, any information contains given string will hit. name_has The part of a model set's name. For example, ``modelset_has='test`` will hit ``*test*`` tag_has A part of the name of property. describe_has A part of the name of descriptor. private If``True``, searching in regression models, else, searching in classification models. Default is ``True``. deprecated Model with this mark is deprecated. deprecated If ``True``, searching in transferred models. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if query is not None: return QueryModelsets(dict(query=query), api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: variables = dict( name_has=name_has, tag_has=tag_has, describe_has=describe_has, private=private, deprecated=deprecated, ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return QueryModelsetsWith(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def update_modelset(self, *, modelset_id: int, name: str = None, describe: str = None, sample_code: str = None, tags: List[str] = None, private: bool = None, deprecated: bool = None ) -> UpdateModelset: """ Update modelset information by modelset id. Parameters ---------- modelset_id name describe sample_code tags private deprecated Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=name, describe=describe, sample_code=sample_code, tags=tags, private=private, deprecated=deprecated ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return UpdateModelset({'id': modelset_id, 'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def create_modelset(self, *, name: str, describe: str = None, sample_code: str = None, tags: List[str] = None, private: bool = False ): """ Create modelset. Parameters ---------- name describe sample_code tags private Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=name, describe=describe, sample_code=sample_code, tags=tags, private=private ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return CreateModelset({'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_modelsets(self) -> ListModelsets: """ List all modelsets. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListModelsets(api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_modelset_detail(self, modelset_id: int) -> GetModelsetDetail: """ Get modelset detail by modelset id. Parameters ---------- modelset_id Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetModelsetDetail({'id': modelset_id}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def query_descriptors(self, query: str = None, *, name_has: Union[List[str]] = None, fullname_has: Union[List[str]] = None, describe_has: Union[List[str]] = None, ) -> Union[QueryDescriptors, QueryDescriptorsWith]: """ Query descriptors with specific keywords. Parameters ---------- query Lowercase string for database querying. This is a fuzzy searching, any information contains given string will hit. name_has The part of a model set's name. For example, ``modelset_has='test`` will hit ``*test*`` fullname_has Part of the full name. describe_has Part of the descriptor. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if query is not None: return QueryDescriptors(dict(query=query), api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: variables = dict( name_has=name_has, fullName_has=fullname_has, describe_has=describe_has, ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return QueryDescriptorsWith(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def update_descriptor(self, *, name: str, new_name: str = None, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, ) -> UpdateDescriptor: """ Update descriptor information by name. Parameters ---------- name new_name describe fullname Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=new_name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return UpdateDescriptor({'name': name, 'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def create_descriptor(self, *, name: str, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, ) -> CreateDescriptor: """ Create descriptor. Parameters ---------- name describe fullname Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return CreateDescriptor({'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_descriptors(self) -> ListDescriptors: """ List all descriptor. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListDescriptors(api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_descriptor_detail(self, name: str) -> GetDescriptorDetail: """ Get descriptor detail by name. Parameters ---------- name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetDescriptorDetail({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def query_methods(self, query: str = None, *, name_has: Union[List[str]] = None, fullname_has: Union[List[str]] = None, describe_has: Union[List[str]] = None, ) -> Union[QueryMethods, QueryMethodsWith]: """ Query methods with specific keywords. Parameters ---------- query Lowercase string for database querying. This is a fuzzy searching, any information contains given string will hit. name_has The part of a model set's name. For example, ``modelset_has='test`` will hit ``*test*`` fullname_has Part of the full name. describe_has Part of the descriptor. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if query is not None: return QueryMethods(dict(query=query), api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: variables = dict( name_has=name_has, fullName_has=fullname_has, describe_has=describe_has, ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return QueryMethodsWith(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def update_method(self, *, name: str, new_name: str = None, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, ) -> UpdateMethod: """ Update method information by name. Parameters ---------- name new_name describe fullname Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=new_name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return UpdateMethod({'name': name, 'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def create_method(self, *, name: str, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, ) -> CreateMethod: """ Create method. Parameters ---------- name describe fullname Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return CreateMethod({'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_methods(self) -> ListMethods: """ List all methods. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListMethods(api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_method_detail(self, name: str) -> GetMethodDetail: """ Get method detail by name. Parameters ---------- name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetMethodDetail({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def query_properties(self, query: str = None, *, name_has: Union[List[str]] = None, fullname_has: Union[List[str]] = None, describe_has: Union[List[str]] = None, symbol_has: Union[List[str]] = None, unit_has: Union[List[str]] = None, ) -> Union[QueryProperties, QueryPropertiesWith]: """ Query properties with specific keywords. Parameters ---------- query Lowercase string for database querying. This is a fuzzy searching, any information contains given string will hit. name_has The part of a model set's name. For example, ``modelset_has='test`` will hit ``*test*`` fullname_has Part of the full name. describe_has Part of the descriptor. symbol_has Part of the symbol. unit_has Part of the unit. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ if query is not None: return QueryProperties(dict(query=query), api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint) else: variables = dict( name_has=name_has, fullName_has=fullname_has, describe_has=describe_has, symbol_has=symbol_has, unit_has=unit_has, ) variables = {k: v for k, v in variables.items() if v is not None} return QueryPropertiesWith(variables, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def update_property(self, *, name: str, new_name: str = None, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, symbol: str = None, unit: str = None, ) -> UpdateProperty: """ Update property information by name. Parameters ---------- name new_name describe fullname symbol unit Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=new_name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, symbol=symbol, priunitvate=unit, ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return UpdateProperty({'name': name, 'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def create_property(self, *, name: str, describe: str = None, fullname: str = None, symbol: str = None, unit: str = None, ) -> CreateProperty: """ Create property. Parameters ---------- name describe fullname symbol unit Returns ------- query Querying object. """ with_ = dict( name=name, describe=describe, fullName=fullname, symbol=symbol, unit=unit ) with_ = {k: v for k, v in with_.items() if v is not None} return CreateProperty({'with_': with_}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def list_properties(self) -> ListProperties: """ List all properties. Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return ListProperties(api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def get_property_detail(self, name: str): """ Get property detail by name. Parameters ---------- name Returns ------- query Querying object. """ return GetPropertyDetail({'name': name}, api_key=self.api_key, endpoint=self.endpoint)
[docs] def pull(self, *model_ids: Union[int, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], save_to: str = '.') -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download model(s) from XenonPy.MDL server. Parameters ---------- model_ids Model ids. It can be given by a dataframe. In this case, the column with name ``id`` will be used. save_to Path to save models. Returns ------- """ if len(model_ids) == 0: raise RuntimeError('input can not be empty') if len(model_ids) == 1: if isinstance(model_ids[0], pd.Series): model_ids = model_ids[0].tolist() if isinstance(model_ids[0], pd.DataFrame): model_ids = model_ids[0]['id'].tolist() ret = self.get_model_urls(*model_ids)('id', 'url') urls = ret['url'].tolist() path_list = [] for url in tqdm(urls): path = '/'.join(url.split('/')[4:]) file = Path(save_to).resolve() / path file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file = str(file) r = requests.get(url=url) with open(file, 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) path = file[:-7] os.remove(file) path_list.append(path) ret['model'] = path_list return ret.drop(columns='url')