Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2021. yoshida-lab. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
#  license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from xenonpy.mdl.base import BaseQuery

[docs]class QueryPropertiesWith(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', ] def __init__(self, variables, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables=variables, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' query ( $name_has: [String!] $fullName_has: [String!] $describe_has: [String!] $symbol_has: [String!] $unit_has: [String!] ) {{ queryPropertiesWith( name_has: $name_has fullName_has: $fullName_has describe_has: $describe_has symbol_has: $symbol_has unit_has: $unit_has ) {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''
[docs]class QueryProperties(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', ] def __init__(self, variables, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables=variables, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' query ($query: [String!]!) {{ queryProperties(query: $query) {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''
[docs]class GetPropertyDetail(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', 'count' ] def __init__(self, variables, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables=variables, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) self._return_json = True
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' query ($name: String!) {{ getPropertyDetail(name: $name) {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''
[docs]class ListProperties(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', ] def __init__(self, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables={}, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' query {{ listProperties {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''
[docs]class CreateProperty(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', ] def __init__(self, variables, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables=variables, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) self._return_json = True
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' mutation ($with_: CreatePropertyInput!) {{ createProperty (with_: $with_) {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''
[docs]class UpdateProperty(BaseQuery): queryable = [ 'name', 'fullName', 'symbol', 'unit', 'describe', ] def __init__(self, variables, *, api_key: str = 'anonymous.user.key', endpoint: str = ''): """ Access to XenonPy.MDL library. Parameters ---------- api_key Not implement yet. """ super().__init__(variables=variables, api_key=api_key, endpoint=endpoint) self._return_json = True
[docs] def gql(self, *query_vars: str): return f''' mutation ( $name: String! $with_: UpdatePropertyInput! ) {{ updateProperty ( name: $name with_: $with_ ) {{ {' '.join(query_vars)} }} }} '''