Source code for xenonpy.model.cgcnn

#  Copyright (c) 2021. TsumiNa. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
#  license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import torch
from torch import nn

__all__ = ['ConvLayer', 'CrystalGraphConvNet']

[docs]class ConvLayer(nn.Module): """ Convolutional operation on graphs """ def __init__(self, atom_fea_len, nbr_fea_len): """ Initialize ConvLayer. Parameters ---------- atom_fea_len: int Number of atom hidden features. nbr_fea_len: int Number of bond features. """ super(ConvLayer, self).__init__() self.atom_fea_len = atom_fea_len self.nbr_fea_len = nbr_fea_len self.fc_full = nn.Linear(2 * self.atom_fea_len + self.nbr_fea_len, 2 * self.atom_fea_len) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() self.softplus1 = nn.Softplus() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(2 * self.atom_fea_len) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(self.atom_fea_len) self.softplus2 = nn.Softplus()
[docs] def forward(self, atom_in_fea, nbr_fea, nbr_fea_idx): """ Forward pass N: Total number of atoms in the batch M: Max number of neighbors Parameters ---------- atom_in_fea: Variable(torch.Tensor) shape (N, atom_fea_len) Atom hidden features before convolution nbr_fea: Variable(torch.Tensor) shape (N, M, nbr_fea_len) Bond features of each atom's M neighbors nbr_fea_idx: torch.LongTensor shape (N, M) Indices of M neighbors of each atom Returns ------- atom_out_fea: nn.Variable shape (N, atom_fea_len) Atom hidden features after convolution """ # TODO will there be problems with the index zero padding? N, M = nbr_fea_idx.shape # convolution atom_nbr_fea = atom_in_fea[nbr_fea_idx, :] total_nbr_fea = [atom_in_fea.unsqueeze(1).expand(N, M, self.atom_fea_len), atom_nbr_fea, nbr_fea], dim=2) total_gated_fea = self.fc_full(total_nbr_fea) total_gated_fea = self.bn1(total_gated_fea.view(-1, self.atom_fea_len * 2)).view( N, M, self.atom_fea_len * 2) nbr_filter, nbr_core = total_gated_fea.chunk(2, dim=2) nbr_filter = self.sigmoid(nbr_filter) nbr_core = self.softplus1(nbr_core) nbr_sumed = torch.sum(nbr_filter * nbr_core, dim=1) nbr_sumed = self.bn2(nbr_sumed) out = self.softplus2(atom_in_fea + nbr_sumed) return out
[docs]class CrystalGraphConvNet(nn.Module): """ Create a crystal graph convolutional neural network for predicting total material properties. See Also: [CGCNN]_. .. [CGCNN] `Crystal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for an Accurate and Interpretable Prediction of Material Properties`__ __ """ def __init__(self, orig_atom_fea_len, nbr_fea_len, atom_fea_len=64, n_conv=3, h_fea_len=128, n_h=1, classification=False): """ Initialize CrystalGraphConvNet. Parameters ---------- orig_atom_fea_len: int Number of atom features in the input. nbr_fea_len: int Number of bond features. atom_fea_len: int Number of hidden atom features in the convolutional layers n_conv: int Number of convolutional layers h_fea_len: int Number of hidden features after pooling n_h: int Number of hidden layers after pooling """ super(CrystalGraphConvNet, self).__init__() self.classification = classification self.embedding = nn.Linear(orig_atom_fea_len, atom_fea_len) self.convs = nn.ModuleList( [ConvLayer(atom_fea_len=atom_fea_len, nbr_fea_len=nbr_fea_len) for _ in range(n_conv)]) self.conv_to_fc = nn.Linear(atom_fea_len, h_fea_len) self.conv_to_fc_softplus = nn.Softplus() if n_h > 1: self.fcs = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(h_fea_len, h_fea_len) for _ in range(n_h - 1)]) self.softpluses = nn.ModuleList([nn.Softplus() for _ in range(n_h - 1)]) if self.classification: self.fc_out = nn.Linear(h_fea_len, 2) else: self.fc_out = nn.Linear(h_fea_len, 1) if self.classification: self.logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax() self.dropout = nn.Dropout()
[docs] def forward(self, atom_fea, nbr_fea, nbr_fea_idx, crystal_atom_idx): """ Forward pass N: Total number of atoms in the batch M: Max number of neighbors N0: Total number of crystals in the batch Parameters ---------- atom_fea: Variable(torch.Tensor) shape (N, orig_atom_fea_len) Atom features from atom type nbr_fea: Variable(torch.Tensor) shape (N, M, nbr_fea_len) Bond features of each atom's M neighbors nbr_fea_idx: torch.LongTensor shape (N, M) Indices of M neighbors of each atom crystal_atom_idx: list of torch.LongTensor of length N0 Mapping from the crystal idx to atom idx Returns ------- prediction: nn.Variable shape (N, ) Atom hidden features after convolution """ atom_fea = self.embedding(atom_fea) for conv_func in self.convs: atom_fea = conv_func(atom_fea, nbr_fea, nbr_fea_idx) crys_fea = self.pooling(atom_fea, crystal_atom_idx) crys_fea = self.conv_to_fc(self.conv_to_fc_softplus(crys_fea)) crys_fea = self.conv_to_fc_softplus(crys_fea) if self.classification: crys_fea = self.dropout(crys_fea) if hasattr(self, 'fcs') and hasattr(self, 'softpluses'): for fc, softplus in zip(self.fcs, self.softpluses): crys_fea = softplus(fc(crys_fea)) out = self.fc_out(crys_fea) if self.classification: out = self.logsoftmax(out) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def pooling(atom_fea, crystal_atom_idx): """ Pooling the atom features to crystal features N: Total number of atoms in the batch N0: Total number of crystals in the batch Parameters ---------- atom_fea: Variable(torch.Tensor) shape (N, atom_fea_len) Atom feature vectors of the batch crystal_atom_idx: list of torch.LongTensor of length N0 Mapping from the crystal idx to atom idx """ assert sum([len(idx_map) for idx_map in crystal_atom_idx]) == \[0] summed_fea = [ torch.mean(atom_fea[idx_map], dim=0, keepdim=True) for idx_map in crystal_atom_idx ] return, dim=0)