Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2021. yoshida-lab. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
#  license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Union, Dict, Callable, Tuple

import joblib
import pandas as pd
import torch
from deprecated import deprecated
from torch.nn import Module

from import BaseRunner

__all__ = ['Checker']

[docs]class Checker(object): """ Check point. """ class __SL: dump = load = torch.load def __init__( self, path: Union[Path, str] = None, *, increment: bool = False, device: Union[bool, str, torch.device] = 'cpu', default_handle: Tuple[Callable, str] = (joblib, '.pkl.z'), ): """ Parameters ---------- path: Union[Path, str] Dir path for data access. Can be ``Path`` or ``str``. Given a relative path will be resolved to abstract path automatically. increment : bool Set to ``True`` to prevent the potential risk of overwriting. Default ``False``. """ if path is None: path = Path().cwd().name self._path = Path.cwd() / path else: self._path = Path.cwd() / path if increment: i = 1 while Path(f'{path}@{i}').exists(): i += 1 self._path = Path.cwd() / f'{path}@{i}' self._path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # self._path = self._path.resolve() self._device = BaseRunner.check_device(device) self._handle = default_handle self._files: Dict[str, str] = defaultdict(str) self._make_file_index()
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated('This method is rotten and will be removed in v1.0.0, use `Checker(<model path>)` instead') def load(cls, model_path): return cls(model_path)
@property def path(self): return str(self._path) @property def files(self): return list(self._files.keys()) @property def model_name(self): """ Returns ------- str Model name. """ return @property def model_structure(self): structure = self['model_structure'] return structure @property def training_info(self): return self['training_info'] @property def describe(self): """ Description for this model. Returns ------- dict Description. """ return self['describe'] @property def model(self): """ Returns ------- model: :class:`torch.nn.Module` A pytorch model. """ if (self._path / 'model.pth.m').exists(): model = torch.load(str(self._path / 'model.pth.m'), map_location=self._device) state = self.final_state if state is not None: try: model.load_state_dict(state) except torch.nn.modules.module.ModuleAttributeError: # pytorch 1.6.0 compatability for _, m in model.named_modules(): m._non_persistent_buffers_set = set() model.load_state_dict(state) return model else: return model return None @model.setter def model(self, model: Module): """ Set a model instance. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`torch.nn.Module` Pytorch model instance. """ if isinstance(model, Module): self(model=model) self.init_state = model.state_dict() self(model_structure=str(model)) else: raise TypeError(f'except `torch.nn.Module` object but got {type(model)}') @property @deprecated('This property is rotten and will be removed in v1.0.0, use `checker.model` instead') def trained_model(self): if (self._path / 'trained_model.@1.pkl.z').exists(): return torch.load(str(self._path / 'trained_model.@1.pkl.z'), map_location=self._device) else: tmp = self.final_state if tmp is not None: model: torch.nn.Module = self.model model.load_state_dict(tmp) return model return None @property def model_class(self): if (self._path / 'model_class.pkl.z').exists(): return self['model_class'] return None @property def model_params(self): if (self._path / 'model_params.pkl.z').exists(): return self['model_params'] return None @property def init_state(self): if (self._path / 'init_state.pth.s').exists(): return torch.load(str(self._path / 'init_state.pth.s'), map_location=self._device) return None @init_state.setter def init_state(self, state: OrderedDict): if not isinstance(state, OrderedDict) or not state: raise TypeError for v in state.values(): if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError() self((Checker.__SL, '.pth.s'), init_state=state) @property def final_state(self): if (self._path / 'final_state.pth.s').exists(): return torch.load(str(self._path / 'final_state.pth.s'), map_location=self._device) return None @final_state.setter def final_state(self, state: OrderedDict): if not isinstance(state, OrderedDict) or not state: raise TypeError for v in state.values(): if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError() self((Checker.__SL, '.pth.s'), final_state=state) def _make_file_index(self): for f in [f for f in self._path.iterdir() if f.match('*.pkl.*') or f.match('*.pd.*') or f.match('*.pth.*')]: # select data fn = '.'.join('.')[:-2]) self._files[fn] = str(f) def _save_data(self, data: Any, filename: str, handle) -> str: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): file = str(self._path / (filename + '.pd.xz')) self._files[filename] = file pd.to_pickle(data, file) elif isinstance(data, (torch.Tensor, torch.nn.Module)): file = str(self._path / (filename + '.pth.m')) self._files[filename] = file, file) else: file = str(self._path / (filename + handle[1])) self._files[filename] = file handle[0].dump(data, file) return file def _load_data(self, file: str, handle): fp = self._files[file] if fp == '': return None fp_ = Path(fp) if not fp_.exists(): return None patten ='.')[-2] if patten == 'pd': return pd.read_pickle(fp) if patten == 'pth': return torch.load(fp, map_location=self._device) if patten == 'pkl': return joblib.load(fp) else: return handle.load(fp) def __getattr__(self, name: str): """ Return sub-dataset. Parameters ---------- name: str Dataset name. Returns ------- self """ if name == 'checkpoints': sub_set = self.__class__(self._path / name, increment=False, device=self._device) setattr(self, f'{name}', sub_set) return sub_set raise AttributeError(f'no such attribute named {name}') def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): return self._load_data(item, self._handle[0]) else: raise KeyError(f'{item}')
[docs] def __call__(self, handle=None, **named_data: Any): """ Save data with or without name. Data with same name will not be overwritten. Parameters ---------- handle: Tuple[Callable, str] named_data: dict Named data as k,v pair. """ if handle is None: handle = self._handle for k, v in named_data.items(): self._save_data(v, k, handle)
[docs] def set_checkpoint(self, **kwargs): self.checkpoints((Checker.__SL, '.pth.s'), **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): cont_ls = ['<{}> includes:'.format(self.__class__.__name__)] for k, v in self._files.items(): cont_ls.append('"{}": {}'.format(k, v)) return '\n'.join(cont_ls)