Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2021. TsumiNa. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
#  license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from platform import version as sys_ver
from sys import version as py_ver
from typing import Union, Callable, Any, OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import torch

from xenonpy import __version__
from import Trainer, Checker
from import BaseExtension, BaseRunner

__all__ = ['Persist']

[docs]class Persist(BaseExtension): """ Trainer extension for data persistence """ def __init__(self, path: Union[Path, str] = None, *, model_class: Callable = None, model_params: Union[tuple, dict, any] = None, increment: bool = False, sync_training_step: bool = False, only_best_states: bool = False, no_model_saving: bool = False, **describe: Any): """ Parameters ---------- path Path for model saving. model_class A factory function for model reconstructing. In most case this is the model class inherits from :class:`torch.nn.Module` model_params The parameters for model reconstructing. This can be anything but in general this is a dict which can be used as kwargs parameters. increment If ``True``, dir name of path will be decorated with a auto increment number, e.g. use ``model_dir@1`` for ``model_dir``. sync_training_step If ``True``, will save ``trainer.training_info`` at each iteration. Default is ``False``, only save ``trainer.training_info`` at each epoch. only_best_states If ``True``, will only save the models with the best states in terms of each of the criteria. no_model_saving Indicate whether to save the connected model and checkpoints. describe: Any other information to describe this model. These information will be saved under model dir by name ``describe.pkl.z``. """ self._model_class: Callable = model_class self._model_params: Union[list, dict] = model_params self.sync_training_step = sync_training_step self.only_best_states = only_best_states self._increment = increment self._describe = describe self._describe_ = None self._checker: Union[Checker, None] = None self._tmp_args: list = [] self._tmp_kwargs: dict = {} self._epoch_count = 0 self._no_model_saving = no_model_saving self.path = path @property def describe(self): if self._checker is None: raise ValueError('can not access property `describe` before training') return self._checker.describe @property def no_model_saving(self): return self._no_model_saving @property def path(self): if self._checker is None: raise ValueError('can not access property `path` before training') return str(self._checker.path) @path.setter def path(self, path: Union[Path, str]): if self._checker is not None: raise ValueError('can not reset property `path` after training') self._path = path @property def model_structure(self): return self._checker.model_structure
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self, id_: str = None): if id_ is not None: return self._checker.checkpoints[id_] return self._checker.checkpoints.files
[docs] def __call__(self, handle: Any = None, **kwargs: Any): if self._checker is None: raise RuntimeError('calling of this method only after the model training') self._checker(handle=handle, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, item): return self._checker[item]
[docs] def on_checkpoint(self, checkpoint: Trainer.checkpoint_tuple, _trainer: BaseRunner = None, _is_training: bool = True, *_dependence: 'BaseExtension') -> None: if self._no_model_saving: return None if self.only_best_states: tmp ='_') if tmp[-1] == '1': key = '_'.join(tmp[:-1]) value = deepcopy(checkpoint._asdict()) self._checker.set_checkpoint(**{key: value}) else: key = value = deepcopy(checkpoint._asdict()) self._checker.set_checkpoint(**{key: value})
[docs] def step_forward(self, step_info: OrderedDict[Any, int], trainer: Trainer = None, _is_training: bool = True, *_dependence: BaseExtension) -> None: if self.sync_training_step: training_info = trainer.training_info if training_info is not None: self._checker(training_info=training_info) else: epoch = step_info['i_epoch'] if epoch > self._epoch_count: training_info = trainer.training_info if training_info is not None: self._epoch_count = epoch self._checker(training_info=training_info)
[docs] def before_proc(self, trainer: Trainer = None, _is_training: bool = True, *_dependence: BaseExtension) -> None: self._checker = Checker(self._path, increment=self._increment) if self._model_class is not None: self._checker(model_class=self._model_class) if self._model_params is not None: self._checker(model_params=self._model_params) if not self._no_model_saving: self._checker.model = trainer.model self._describe_ = dict( python=py_ver, system=sys_ver(), numpy=np.__version__, torch=torch.__version__, xenonpy=__version__, device=str(trainer.device),'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'), finish='N/A', time_elapsed='N/A', **self._describe, ) self._checker(describe=self._describe_)
[docs] def after_proc(self, trainer: Trainer = None, _is_training: bool = True, *_dependence: 'BaseExtension') -> None: self._describe_.update('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'), time_elapsed=str(timedelta(seconds=trainer.timer.elapsed))) self._checker.final_state = trainer.model.state_dict() self._checker( training_info=trainer.training_info, describe=self._describe_, )