Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2021. TsumiNa. All rights reserved.
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from torch import optim

from import BaseOptimizer

__all__ = ['Adadelta', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'Adamax', 'ASGD', 'SGD', 'SparseAdam', 'RMSprop', 'Rprop', 'LBFGS']

[docs]class Adadelta(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=1.0, rho=0.9, eps=1e-06, weight_decay=0): """Implements Adadelta algorithm. It has been proposed in `ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method`__. Arguments: rho (float, optional): coefficient used for computing a running average of squared gradients (default: 0.9) eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-6) lr (float, optional): coefficient that scale delta before it is applied to the parameters (default: 1.0) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) __ """ super().__init__(optim.Adadelta, lr=lr, rho=rho, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay)
[docs]class Adagrad(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.01, lr_decay=0, weight_decay=0, initial_accumulator_value=0): """Implements Adagrad algorithm. It has been proposed in `Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization`_. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-2) lr_decay (float, optional): learning rate decay (default: 0) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) .. _Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization: """ super().__init__(optim.Adagrad, lr=lr, lr_decay=lr_decay, weight_decay=weight_decay, initial_accumulator_value=initial_accumulator_value)
[docs]class Adam(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8, weight_decay=0, amsgrad=False): r"""Implements Adam algorithm. It has been proposed in `Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization`_. The implementation of the L2 penalty follows changes proposed in `Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization`_. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-3) betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999)) eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) amsgrad (boolean, optional): whether to use the AMSGrad variant of this algorithm from the paper `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond`_ (default: False) .. _Adam\: A Method for Stochastic Optimization: .. _Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization: .. _On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond: """ super().__init__(optim.Adam, lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay, amsgrad=amsgrad)
class AdamW(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-8, weight_decay=0, amsgrad=False): r"""Implements AdamW algorithm. The original Adam algorithm was proposed in `Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization`_. The AdamW variant was proposed in `Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization`_. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-3) betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999)) eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) amsgrad (boolean, optional): whether to use the AMSGrad variant of this algorithm from the paper `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond`_ (default: False) .. _Adam\: A Method for Stochastic Optimization: .. _Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization: .. _On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond: """ super().__init__(optim.AdamW, lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay, amsgrad=amsgrad)
[docs]class SparseAdam(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08): r"""Implements lazy version of Adam algorithm suitable for sparse tensors. In this variant, only moments that show up in the gradient get updated, and only those portions of the gradient get applied to the parameters. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-3) betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999)) eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8) .. _Adam\: A Method for Stochastic Optimization: """ super().__init__(optim.SparseAdam, lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps)
[docs]class Adamax(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.002, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0): """Implements Adamax algorithm (a variant of Adam based on infinity norm). It has been proposed in `Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization`__. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 2e-3) betas (Tuple[float, float], optional): coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) __ """ super().__init__(optim.Adamax, lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay)
[docs]class ASGD(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.002, lambd=0.0001, alpha=0.75, t0=1000000.0, weight_decay=0): """Implements Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent. It has been proposed in `Acceleration of stochastic approximation by averaging`_. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-2) lambd (float, optional): decay term (default: 1e-4) alpha (float, optional): power for eta update (default: 0.75) t0 (float, optional): point at which to start averaging (default: 1e6) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) .. _Acceleration of stochastic approximation by averaging: """ super().__init__(optim.ASGD, lr=lr, lambd=lambd, alpha=alpha, t0=t0, weight_decay=weight_decay)
[docs]class LBFGS(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=1, max_iter=20, max_eval=None, tolerance_grad=1e-5, tolerance_change=1e-9, history_size=100, line_search_fn=None): """Implements L-BFGS algorithm. .. warning:: This optimizer doesn't support per-parameter options and parameter groups (there can be only one). .. warning:: Right now all parameters have to be on a single device. This will be improved in the future. .. note:: This is a very memory intensive optimizer (it requires additional ``param_bytes * (history_size + 1)`` bytes). If it doesn't fit in memory try reducing the history size, or use a different algorithm. Arguments: lr (float): learning rate (default: 1) max_iter (int): maximal number of iterations per optimization step (default: 20) max_eval (int): maximal number of function evaluations per optimization step (default: max_iter * 1.25). tolerance_grad (float): termination tolerance on first order optimality (default: 1e-5). tolerance_change (float): termination tolerance on function value/parameter changes (default: 1e-9). history_size (int): update history size (default: 100). """ super().__init__(optim.LBFGS, lr=lr, max_iter=max_iter, max_eval=max_eval, tolerance_grad=tolerance_grad, tolerance_change=tolerance_change, history_size=history_size, line_search_fn=line_search_fn)
[docs]class RMSprop(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.01, alpha=0.99, eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0, momentum=0, centered=False): """Implements RMSprop algorithm. Proposed by G. Hinton in his `course <>`_. The centered version first appears in `Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks <>`_. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-2) momentum (float, optional): momentum factor (default: 0) alpha (float, optional): smoothing constant (default: 0.99) eps (float, optional): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8) centered (bool, optional) : if ``True``, compute the centered RMSProp, the gradient is normalized by an estimation of its variance weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) """ super().__init__(optim.RMSprop, lr=lr, alpha=alpha, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay, momentum=momentum, centered=centered)
[docs]class Rprop(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.01, etas=(0.5, 1.2), step_sizes=(1e-06, 50)): """Implements the resilient backpropagation algorithm. Arguments: lr (float, optional): learning rate (default: 1e-2) etas (Tuple[float, float], optional): pair of (etaminus, etaplis), that are multiplicative increase and decrease factors (default: (0.5, 1.2)) step_sizes (Tuple[float, float], optional): a pair of minimal and maximal allowed step sizes (default: (1e-6, 50)) """ super().__init__(optim.Rprop, lr=lr, etas=etas, step_sizes=step_sizes)
[docs]class SGD(BaseOptimizer): def __init__(self, *, lr=0.01, momentum=0, dampening=0, weight_decay=0, nesterov=False): r"""Implements stochastic gradient descent (optionally with momentum). Nesterov momentum is based on the formula from `On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning`__. Args: lr (float): learning rate momentum (float, optional): momentum factor (default: 0) weight_decay (float, optional): weight decay (L2 penalty) (default: 0) dampening (float, optional): dampening for momentum (default: 0) nesterov (bool, optional): enables Nesterov momentum (default: False) Example: >>> optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9) >>> optimizer(model.parameters()) >>> optimizer.zero_grad() >>> loss_fn(model(input), target).backward() >>> optimizer.step(), __ .. note:: The implementation of SGD with Momentum/Nesterov subtly differs from Sutskever et. al. and implementations in some other frameworks. Considering the specific case of Momentum, the update can be written as .. math:: v = \rho * v + g \\ p = p - lr * v where p, g, v and :math:`\rho` denote the parameters, gradient, velocity, and momentum respectively. This is in contrast to Sutskever et. al. and other frameworks which employ an update of the form .. math:: v = \rho * v + lr * g \\ p = p - v The Nesterov version is analogously modified. """ super().__init__(optim.SGD, lr=lr, momentum=momentum, dampening=dampening, weight_decay=weight_decay, nesterov=nesterov)